Religious Education

The Sermon on the Mountain by Cosimo Rosselli
Religious Education

Our Program

St. Monica's religious education program prepares children and adults for receiving the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, first reconciliation and first reception of the Eucharist. We have several programs, depending on age, which teach the knowledge of faith, morals and spirituality.

Religious Education During the Pandemic

Our program is modified to provide instruction through remote learning.

K - 8

Our program for baptized Catholic children in kindergarten through 8th grade prepares them for receiving the sacraments of reconciliation and first communion (2nd grade), and confirmation (8th grade). Classes are held weekly throughout the school year and are geared for children in each grade.

Older Children

Older children who are out of sequence, meaning they were never enrolled in a K - 8 program and who have not received their sacraments, are prepared in separate classes. This program uses a curricula that is modified to suit older children. 


The Right of Christian Initiation of Adults prepares non-Christians for conversion to the Catholic Church, non-Catholic Christians for reception into the Catholic Church, and adult Catholics to complete their sacraments. Classes meet weekly for up to one year. Participants receive their sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass.


Registration for K - 8 is open during the summer for classes that begin in September and end in May. Registration for older children and adults may start at different times of the year. For more information, contact our Religious Education Office.

Volunteer Catechists

We welcome members of the parish to volunteer as teachers in our program. Volunteers must be Catholics in good standing who have received confirmation, must pass a background check and must complete parish-sponsored VIRTUS training.




Class cancellations due to snow are announced on 94.3 FM The Point, 92.7 WOBM-FM, and 105.7 FM The Hawk.