Ministry List
For more information on any of our ministries, to volunteer, arrange for visits and learn about food distribution, please contact the parish office.
Altar Servers -- Boys and girls in the 4th grade or higher assist the priest and deacon in liturgies such as Sunday Mass, funerals and weddings. Children may volunteer any time and training is held as needed.
Lectors proclaim the first and second readings at mass, and lead the congregation in the responsorial psalm when there is no choir. Lectors should be comfortable at public speaking and be able to clearly proclaim the Word of God.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute communion during masses when there are not enough ordinary ministers to distribute communion in an orderly way. EMHCs also take communion to the homebound and nursing homes, and distribute ashes on Ash Wednesday.
Music Ministry
Music is an important part of the Catholic liturgy. Our music ministry leads the congregation at weekend Masses, Holy Days of Obligation, weddings, funerals, and at confirmation and first eucharist celebrations.
Social Concerns
Food Pantry -- Basic to the criteria of judgment is Matthew 25: "I was hungry and you fed me." Each week our offertory procession includes food donations for members of the Jackson community in need.
- Parishioners: Please bring non-perishable food to Mass and place it in the large black baskets at the back of the church.
- Are you or a loved one in need of food? We distribute food through our Social Concerns Ministry, St. Vincent de Paul and Catholic Charities.
Visits and Eucharist for the Homebound -- Eucharistic Ministers are available to visit homebound or nursing homes in Jackson. Please contact the parish office to arrange a visit.
St. Vincent de Paul Society provides emergency short-term assistance within Jackson Township. Need help? Call the Hotline: 732-370-0098. The St. Vincent de Paul Society in Jackson is a partnership of St. Aloysius and St. Monica parishes in Jackson.
Other Ministries
Adult Faith Formation -- our core team encourages and supports parishioners in their lifelong learning in the faith in order to grow closer to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit through discipleship and evangelization.
Annulments -- Are you civilly divorced and wish to marry in the Catholic Church? Please contact the parish office to discuss an annulment.
Bereavement ministry assists families following the loss of a loved one and with preparing the funeral liturgy.
Youth Group -- A youth group for our younger parishioners from Communion to Confirmation age. This group is all about our children coming together to pray, learn, make friends and have fun.
Ancient Order of Hibernians is open to Catholics of Irish descent. The Michael Davitt Division 11 meets on the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the American Legion hall, 2025 Church Rd., Toms River. More info: contact Division President Patrick Jockel at 609-489-9221.
Knights of Columbus Council 11529 meets the second and fourth Thursday of each month.
Legion of Mary gives service to the Church, helps the sick and homebound, and assists our parish ministries.
Women of St. Monica strives to fulfill parish spiritual needs, shares faith, promotes our faith community and conducts fund raisers.