Most In-Person Mass Restrictions End on June 5, 2021

Church of St. Monica, Jackson, N.J.
Most In-Person Mass Restrictions End on June 5, 2021

The Bishops of New Jersey ended the dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation effective June 5 - 6, 2021, and N.J. Gov. Phil Murphy lifted the mandates requiring the wearing of masks and social distancing, and ended the limits on church capacity to pre-pandemic levels as of June 5, 2021.

In light of these developments, the protocols regulating the celebration of Mass and Sacraments in effect since June 2020 are greatly modified, if not ended. 

If You Are Sick, Fearful or not Vaccinated

The obligation to attend Mass does not apply to the sick, those with underlying health conditions, and those who remain fearful of COVID-19 transmission. 

While the state has ended the mask-wearing requirement, wearing a mask is an option for those who wish to do so. Moreover, those who are not fully vaccinated are strongly encouraged to wear a mask. The clergy and faithful should use their best judgment to protect their own health and the health of their neighbors.

Most Protocol Restrictions End as of June 5

The following revisions to current Covid protocols go into effect the weekend of June 5 - 6:

  • Livestream of our Sunday, 11 a.m. Mass will be discontinued
  • Broadcast of Mass and outdoor Holy Communion will be discontinued
  • Both entrances to the Church may once again be utilized.
  • Hand sanitizers will continue to be available at entrances 
  • Sign of Peace resumes
  • Blessed Water will be available at both entrances
  • Missals will be available for use
  • Collections will be taken by Ushers
  • Praying of the Rosary after Mass may resume
  • Barriers to maintain social distancing will be removed
  • Holy Communion - The Precious Blood will not be distributed at this time and all Eucharistic Ministers will wear masks while distributing the Holy Eucharist
  • Confessions will continue in Little Church

Wearing of facemasks is an option for those who wish to do so. Those who are not fully vaccinated are strongly encouraged to wear a mask.

More Changes to Come

It will take us a few weeks to return to most pre-pandemic practices and some, such as distributing Precious Blood at Mass, are not yet approved. Please be patient as we work through these issues.

Please Bring a Friend

You can help by telling the parishioners you know that most restrictions are lifted, our Sunday obligation is reinstated and they can return.